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New Earth Vet
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Mar 18, 20231 min read
The Grain-free Dog Food - Heart Disease Connection
Some vets suggest that you should feed a grain-filled diet to prevent heart disease in your dog. Find out what the truth is. You will be...
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Mar 11, 20231 min read
Why do my Dog's feet Smell like Corn Chips?
Every noticed this? You are cuddling your dog and then you smell them - the feet! At first, you can't pin down the odor, but then it...
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Feb 18, 20231 min read
Puppy Diets Shown to Affect Future Inflammatory Gut Issues
Guess what diet is the one that lessens the chance of inflammatory intestinal disease (like allergies). It isn't processed diets. Find...
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Feb 18, 20231 min read
Agenda for the Holistic Vaccinology Challenge
Here is a web link for the audio recording.
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Feb 16, 20231 min read
Why do we Avoid Coronavirus Vaccines in Dogs and Cats
Find out why we don't want to vaccinate for this virus in our pets. Audio file here - no need to log into Dropbox - just view it on the...
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Feb 11, 20231 min read
I Love Teaching Holistic Ways to Vaccinate (or Not)
Find out what maternal antibodies are and how we can work with them to achieve a minimal vaccination program. Part of the Path to a...
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Feb 5, 20231 min read
Vaccinosis - Does it Exist?
The question - do vaccines cause harm? Find out.
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Dr. Jeff Grognet
Jan 30, 20231 min read
Why Say NO to the Bordetella Vaccine
Find out why you should consider not giving the bordetella vaccine.
1,149 views5 comments
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Jan 1, 20231 min read
Don't get fooled into treating for Cataracts.
Find out the difference between cataracts and nuclear sclerosis.
332 views4 comments
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Jan 1, 20231 min read
Why Chocolate Poisoning Happens
It happens all the time and Dr. Jeff shows how easy it is. Also, what dose can kill your dog?
137 views4 comments
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Dec 22, 20221 min read
What Dr. Jeff is All About
Wonder what drives Dr. Jeff to educate so much? Check this out.
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