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Dark Rocks
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Dark Rocks

Day 1

April Love

Horses Are Talking, Are You Listening?

Are you missing all the messages that your horse is giving you? It could be the way they look at you, the acting out they do, or how the hooves are shaped. See what you might be missing. And, what effect does the halter have on creating pain in the head (and fear)?

Free Ebook: Horse 101: Everything You Wish You Knew Before You Bought Your First Horse

Dr. Martha Faraday (Ph.D.)

Our Horses are Malnourished and Here’s Why

You will be surprised to find out that modern feeding practices and commercial feeds almost guarantee that your horse is malnourished. These nutrient deficits lay the groundwork for ulcers, metabolic disease, Cushing's/PPID, laminitis and founder, allergies, and infections. Learn about the critical nutrients horses need to eat every day—and why nutrient form matters. A conversation not to be missed!

Free Ebook: Four Oaks Equine Feeding Guide

Sarah Griffiths, DCH

Equine Ulcers and Colic: Causes and Species-Specific Solutions

Colic, ulcers, metabolic diseases, insulin resistance, and more! It all seems like a lottery, a matter of when rather than how or why. Find out how to avoid these diseases.

Sign up for the e-newsletter at the bottom of the home page and get the free equine nutrition basics e-book

Dark Rocks

Day 2

Lola Michelin

What is Animal Bodywork and Why Does My Horse Need It

Explore what bodywork is, why your horse may need it, and how you can do it yourself. Listen to the great story of when Lola did it on a giraffe under anesthetic.

Free online Introduction to Animal Bodywork course and other courses. Use code FREE4U a checkout.

Shelayne Fico

Beyond the Barn: Harnessing Aromatherapy for Happier, Healthier Horses

Ever wondered what aromatherapy can do, and how do you do it? It is actually very simple and it has many ways it can help horses. See how to use it with help from Shelayne - introducing it to a horse, how to rub it in to begin.

Beyond the Barn: Your Essential Oils Starter Guide for Horses

Karen Rohlf

The Happy Athlete Training Scale

Are you confused when you try and focus on the welfare of your horse yet still want to depend on sport-related results? Find out how to dove-tail these two so that your partnership is the best possible..

3 Free Training Videos on common riding problems (low energy horses, horses that go too fast, & contact issues

Dark Rocks

Day 3

Dr. Renee Tucker

How to STOP treating symptoms and fix your horse

Here is a tip - equine heaves has changed names several times but we are no closer to the solution. We need to look at - why are they coughing? See what Dr. Renee can tell us about solutions to this and other diseases.

85% off Ebook: Reverse the Diagnosis e-book for kissing spine, sacroiliac disease, and suspensory injuries, Use the coupon code: JEFF

Elisha Edwards B,Sc., MBA

Leaky Gut: The Holistic Approach to Healing

We are hearing more about leaky gut and its impact on health. In this detailed webinar, discover the link between diet, gut, and microbiome. See what you can look for that can define a problem.

The 5 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Horses - Free download

Dr. Joyce Harman

Help, my Supplement Bin is Overflowing!

Did you know that you may be following the directions on your fortified feed but your horse is still deficient? Joyce shows you how to simplify nutrition without compromising health.

Equine First Aid-Homeopathy eBook, , Use the discount code HolisticConfGift in the shopping cart and it is free.

Dark Rocks

Day 4

Debra Pearse, RMT-RP,

The Power of PEMF and Holistic Therapies in Healing for Horses

Debra shows us how PEMF - Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - can be used. What it does and how it can be combined with other therapies.. Find out how this treatment gets cells ready to receive healing.

The Ultimate Guide to PEMF and Integrative Equine Therapy

Dr. Angelique Barbara

Unlocking Equine Potential:
The Transformative Benefits of Animal Neuro-Myofascial Release Technique

Free Course" How to Determine if Your Horse is in Pain

​Anna Twinney

Horse Whispering; De-coding the Hidden Language of Mustangs

Beyond the Barn Volume 1

Carol Walker

The Decimation of Wild Horses in America

Find out more about the wild horses and Carol's work.

Dark Rocks

Day 5

Dr. Jeff Grognet

Saving Money on Pet Care by Going Holistic

Dr. Jeff looks at how to save money and have a healthier pet - dog or cat. The plan is to go holistic. You will save money on vet care - less products bought through the vet and less visits to the hospital. Your pet will be healthier.

E-book on holistic care to get you started. And, I will tell you about a program to move into the holistic world.

Jessica Lynn

The Hairy Horse - What is he Trying to Tell You?

We are seeing more horses with Cushings symptoms than ever before. What is the cause of it, and how do we treat it? Jessica brings up some ideas that your veterinarian may not have thought of.

Free Ebook: Feeding a Metabolic / Cushing's Horse

Lockie Phillips

The Truth About Emotion, Horses and Horsemanship

Lockie talks about emotion but not the way most people think. He looks at predicted behaviors and how to use that in your training of a horse. rather than triggered behaviors.

Introductory Booklet to Emotional Horsemanship (scroll down page)

Melisa Pearce

How Are Horses Natural Gestaltists?

Want to see what horses are capable of? You can call it emotional support but they do it by seeing right through us. Melisa brings several stories of horses in action, one a real tear-jerker. Not to be missed

Free: Wisdom Messages

Dark Rocks

Day 6

Joan Ranquet

Joan’s Story: A Horse she Won at a Raffle Ignited her Career

Imagine winning a raffle - of a horse - when you are seven years old. That was Joan’s introduction to the equine! Then, there was a path to becoming a communicator. See what things came together to create a great career that has lasted so long.

Free mini-masterclass - Mini Intro to EFT Tapping

Tristan Carbery &
Shelley Headley

A Three-Step Plan for Handling Equine Diseases

Tristan and Shelley took us into a discussion on a three-step process for treating disease. Then we delved into glyphosate and how to detox from it.

A free consultation and discount

Penny Zoolittle &
Wendy Williamson,
BAnVetBioSc, BVetSc

When a horse should eat fish

Penny and Wendy look at the importance of omega fatty acids - the ones that horses need in their feed. Impacted by what they eat, you can see how to detect an issue and how to fix it.

Omega 3 Oil for Pet Longevity

Guide to the 7 Pillars of Animal Longevity 

Simple Guide to Better Horse Nutrition

Lisa Diersen

The Power of Equine Storytelling

Lisa tells us about her entry into the very hard-to-crack equine film, art, and literature industry, creating a showcase of each of these. You can be a part - either watching the events or competing in them.

A free gift - submission of either a short equine film, book or art work to the first five participants ti be included in the 2025 Equus Film and Art Festival. Save the submission fee. Send email to for information.

The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jeff Grognet. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jeff Grognet. Dr. Jeff encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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