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Three Horses

Day 2

Lola Michelin

What is Animal Bodywork and Why Does My Horse Need It

 Explore what bodywork is, why your horse may need it, and how you can do it yourself. Listen to the great story of when Lola did it on a giraffe under anesthetic.

Free online Introduction to Animal Bodywork course and other courses. Use code FREE4U at checkout.

Shelayne Fico

Beyond the Barn: Harnessing Aromatherapy for Happier, Healthier Horses

Ever wondered what aromatherapy can do, and how do you do it? It is actually very simple and it has many ways it can help horses. See how to use it with help from Shelayne - introducing it to a horse, how to rub it in to begin.

Beyond the Barn: Your Essential Oils Starter Guide for Horses

Karen Rohlf

The Happy Athlete Training Scale

Are you confused when you try and focus on the welfare of your horse yet still want to depend on sport-related results? Find out how to dove-tail these two so that your partnership is the best possible..

Free Training: 3 Free Training Videos on common riding problems (low energy horses, horses that go too fast, & contact issues

The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jeff Grognet. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jeff Grognet. Dr. Jeff encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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