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Horse Race

Day 3

Dr. Renee Tucker

How to STOP treating symptoms and fix your horse

Here is a tip - equine heaves has changed names several times but we are no closer to the solution. We need to look at - why are they coughing? See what Dr. Renee can tell us about solutions to this and other diseases.

85% off Ebook: Reverse the Diagnosis e-book for kissing spine, sacroiliac disease, and suspensory injuries, Use the coupon code: JEFF

Elisha Edwards B,Sc., MBA

Leaky Gut - The Holistic Approach to Healing

We are hearing more about leaky gut and its impact on health. In this detailed webinar, discover the link between diet, gut, and microbiome. See what you can look for that can define a problem.

Free Ebook: The 5 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Horses - Free download

Dr. Joyce Harman

Help, my Supplement Bin is Overflowing!

Did you know that you may be following the directions on your fortified feed but your horse is still deficient? Joyce shows you how to simplify nutrition without compromising health.

Free Ebook: Equine First Aid-Homeopathy eBook, , Use the discount code HolisticConfGift in the shopping cart and it is free.

The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jeff Grognet. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jeff Grognet. Dr. Jeff encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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