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New Earth Vet

Day 5
Jessica Lynn
The Hairy Horse: What is he Trying to Tell You?
We are seeing more horses with Cushings symptoms than ever before. What is the cause of it, and how do we treat it? Jessica brings up some ideas that your veterinarian may not have thought of.
Free Ebook: Feeding a Metabolic / Cushing's Horse
Dr. Jeff Grognet
Saving Money on Pet Care by Going Holistic
Dr. Jeff looks at how to save money and have a healthier pet - dog or cat. The plan is to go holistic. You will save money on vet care—less products bought through the vet and less visits to the hospital. Your pet will be healthier.
E-book on holistic care to get you started. And, I will tell you about a program to move into the holistic world.
Lockie Phillips
The Truth About Emotion, Horses and Horsemanship
Lockie talks about emotion but not the way most people think. He looks at predicted behaviors and how to use that in your training of a horse. rather than triggered behaviors.
Introductory Booklet to Emotional Horsemanship (scroll down page)
Melisa Pearce
How Are Horses Natural Gestaltists?
Want to see what horses are capable of? You can call it emotional support but they do it by seeing right through us. Melisa brings several stories of horses in action, one a real tear-jerker. Not to be missed
Free: Wisdom Messages
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