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Inside the Holistic Window you will learn...

How to Confidently talk
Holistic Pet Care
with (or without) 
Your Conventional Vet...

…while spending more time with a happy, healthy pet.

Save yourself months of waiting to get into the vet and potentially thousands of dollars every year with holistic care 

“I have no pills, pet food, or flashy products to sell you. Just reliable, proven information I’ve seen work over my 40 years of veterinary practice.”

- Dr. Jeff Grognet

The Difference Between these Two Schnauzers?

When my wife and I owned a holistically-informed veterinary practice together…


You could say that sometimes there’d be days where funny things happened.


Like this day we were examining two schnauzers.


Both dogs were about the same age, living in the same environment.


And both owners loved their faithful companions very much.


Only there was one small difference…and it started one year earlier.


The couple I was examining brought their little schnauzer in for a routine exam.


So I pet their pup… 


Looking, feeling, smelling, and of course, listening. 


The owners were watching me move from nose to tail.


When I stop at the teeth. You have to look at a few areas, but some things to watch out for appear in an instant:


Inflamed gums…


Deep redness…


Extreme tartar build up…


When you see those things your dog needs a cleaning, fast.


It’s ok if this happens once for new owners. 


You should know, I don’t want to see any pet in pain.


And I don’t want to see owners paying out of their savings, or off their credit cards for expensive dental work that could have been prevented.


So I told them, Fluffy’s going to need some dental work.


I could see the look on their faces…


Their shoulders dropped. One let out a sigh, and the other looked away.

You see people living in a state of reaction all the time.


You can sense passive waiting for the doctor.


You can sense hope without knowing the true diagnosis.


And you can sense the dumbing down they’ve received from far too many veterinarians.

The teeth needed help for sure.


Then they asked the question I want everyone to ask.


“What can we do to minimize our visits to the vet?”


That’s my goal.


You should see your vet as little as possible (maybe even never!).


And that was the difference.

They had decided to find what I call, their vet voice.

They had left their conventional vet the year before with a big bill...feeling helpless, frustrated, and confused.

That couple left everything to their conventional veterinarian and changed nothing but…


When you start speaking for yourself, you start adjusting your perspective.


They saw how they could take care of their dog without too much work.


I gave them several tips on how to clean their dog's teeth. A few of them without having to brush at all.


So when they brought their schnauzer back to see me…


I had nothing to say! 


No complaints, no tips, nothing except to smile and tell them that there was nothing I needed to do.

Their dog’s teeth were clean as a whistle - spotless.

They were so overflowing with joy that they couldn’t hold it in.


Immediately, outside in the lobby they were talking about the few small adjustments they had made in feeding, in routine, and in care that made them connect with their pup at an even deeper level.

Who speaks for your dog?


That Depends on Where the Word Veterinary Comes From

Even the profession veterinarian…


Which is usually reserved for people who are “qualified” to practice medicine on animals nowadays…


It was originally used much differently. It meant working with animals for better health.


The veterinary medicine we know only really came about a few centuries ago.


We’ve been living with animals, making them a part of our families, and our homes for thousands of years without ever outsourcing our four-legged friends' care to a doctor.


In ancient Rome, birds were kept for entertainment.


In ancient Egypt, cats were kept not only for their role in controlling pests but also as beloved pets in the most luxurious homes.


In ancient Mesopotamia, dogs were domesticated and became part of the family.


So who speaks and cares for your dog?


You, your family, and your village because…


We are connected through biology, energy, and some even think… spirit.


You see, we are not too much different from animals.


We can feel low, we can feel ecstatic, and we can feel run-of-the-mill content.


They are a part of our lives, but since 300 years ago, something has changed.


There’s been a loss of connectedness - a loss of the sense that care, love and comfort is somehow different for the ones who give us so much…


Like you only need to listen to the doctor because science has made your relationship with your faithful friend more like a machine over your furry friend than human and mate.


Instead, it’s that voice that connects you with your companion…


That expands the life and fun of your family and your neighbor has been taken away.


It’s your own vet voice.


So you can develop an unfailing confidence when talking to friends, family, and especially your vet about how the care and love you feel for them is as much and sometimes more than your fellow humans.

Why Anyone Can Develop
their Own Confident Vet Voice

Most of the time I find people think you have to change overnight.


It’s easier to think of it like this:


While most people find it easy to fall back to pills, dry kibble, and the resulting veterinary hospital visits..


You have to know, there is no such thing as a quick fix.


Almost everything that’s advertised to do-it-for-you finds its way back to you in the circle of life.


That’s why so many people live in reaction mode.


Instead of understanding how we are connected, and what our bodies, like our pet’s bodies, really need…


We fall back on the quick fixes then pay for them later.


Like the most of the dry food out there it’s known to cause diabetes, arthritis, increased risk of cancer, and inflammation.


You can learn how to say, ‘NO.’


Here’s how you develop your confident vet voice.


You learn one quick bite of information at a time.

And ask questions...


Within a community overflowing with reliable, proven, holistic pet care information.

Hi, I'm Dr. Jeff Grognet...

I've always loved teaching.

That's my drive.

In a sense, my whole career has revolved around teaching, whether it's in the hospital, teaching dog owners, or teaching for veterinary assistants.


When someone brought their dog in, I'd educate them on care, feeding, and other essentials.

Now that there are these tools on the internet, and I’ve sold my practice, I can nurture and grow the holistic pet care movement.


I want to educate, and empower pet owners on the importance of holistic nutrition, minimizing vaccines, and reducing toxic exposure…


By first developing their own vet voice through a new holistic perspective.

You're in good hands.

A little about Dr. Jeff Grognet...

  • Award Winning Author

  • Over 40 Years in Practice

  • A Regular Contributor to “AKC Family Dog”

  • Actively teaching for over 35 years

  • I was writing 200 blogs every year

  • Taught over 42,000 aspiring veterinary assistants

  • Developed courses on Pet First Aid and Behavior

  • Advocate of Holistic Pet Therapy and…

  • Holistic nutrition, minimizing vaccines, and reducing toxic exposure

What People are Saying...


"His Q&A sessions offer so much support and I no longer feel so alone. My only regret is that I didn’t have access to this valuable information and support several dogs ago!"

Jessie H.

"I work with a lot of rescues to either get them into foster homes or forever homes. Taking this course has made me want to take as many other courses as I can. I hope to be able to
train dogs as this is something that is needed in my town."


"Thank you - I learned so much from the course and from the videos and have, and will continue,
to pass on the course information to other people."

Sharon W.

"A neglected early life left our Gemma unable to communicate with humans or dogs.
After being attacked multiple times by other dogs she decided to attack them first. After 6 months of diligent work I'd say Gemma is 95% reliable (I'll reserve 5% just in case). She now either ignores other dogs or invites them to play if she's come across them a couple of times.  Her confidence levels have improved tremendously in all aspects of her life."

Judi B.

"I now feel confident knowing which issues really can wait from those that can't. Your course is truly insightful, and I look forward to the hours I will spend enlightening me on ways I can proactively care for my animals."

Save Time and Money
The Holistic Window - Canine

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With "The Holistic Window," you won't just be a pet owner; you'll be their ultimate advocate... 


Created meticulously for discerning dog lovers, our membership is more than just a guide—it's your canine’s passport to a healthier, happier, and harmonious life. 


Every topic, every technique, curated with precision to develop your unique vet voice. So you can speak up for your friend's best care, anytime, anywhere with kindness, enthusiasm, and confidence.

Here's What You Get Inside...
Video Training Month #1
Walking Your Dog on a Leash
  • 3 of the MOST comforting tools you can use to walk your dog. They’ll become more than your pet, they become your companion.


  • How to create a safer, more satisfying leash walk between you and a dog of any size. Use this counter-intuitive leash-leveraging technique to gently stop any dog on the spot.


  • What NEVER to do when walking your dog. You see it happening everywhere. Once you know you may wince too, but you’ll also know how to kindly help your neighbor.


  • The #1 most common mistake 95% of owners make when choosing a collar. It’s why you struggle to steer… How to walk side-by-side without tugging AT ALL.


  • How to practice walking your dog using holistic insider ‘Heel’ technique. It has nothing to do with stopping on the spot and everything to do with treating your dog like the true companion they are.

How to Make Raw Food
  • We all eat according to our species. So why does everyone eat so much McDs? And for dogs… kibble? Here’s the most species appropriate meal for dogs.


  • The industrial food model destroys an overwhelming amount of nutrients. Nutrients your dog needs to fight disease, parasites, and harmful bacteria.


  • Why your dog might be overactive, hyper, and even hard to control on walking. I’ll show you how to read each label, and what’s good, better, and best for your pup.


  • What happens when your dog switches to a raw diet. Their smell changes. Their hair changes, and their energy levels change. And many have a beautiful, painless end of life experience…


  • Industrialization has separated us from the land and our animal friends. This is the quickest, easiest way to restore that relationship. Use food.

How to do Your Own Exam
  • Know the whole process. How to make sure everything looks good from nose to tail. (Almost exactly what your vet will do in an annual exam) 


  • Eye Emergency! Is it really? Calm yourself without visiting the vet. What’s normal and what’s not in each spot you look.


  • What to do when your dog has black gums. Are they normal? Are they diseased? Why these colors are really the ones you should look out for.


  • Better than holding their collar! Get the best NATURAL position to conduct the whole exam. You and your dog will enjoy it.


  • Blocked bladders and bloated bellies! Get the holistic “healing hands” technique to locate and determine what could be wrong. Plus, signs to determine if it’s time to head to the ER.

Vaccines for a Dog that Goes for Walks
  • What vaccines are really needed? If these two are the core vaccines every dog should get, why does your vet push for FIVE more? Find out how to confidently say, “NO.”


  • The “sneaky” fear-driven reason so many people push for this vaccine. Only 3% of dogs actually show symptoms when infected.


  • The truth about vaccine legal requirements.


  • “Kennel Cough”: So many of my clients are scared of Bordetella. Know what justifies giving your dog the actual vaccine. If your dog does get it, don’t worry. A few small steps to take care of them will do it.


  • 3 Vaccines that are ABSOLUTE NO. Each of them causes more harm than good. And you’ll end up seeing the vet more too!

Video Training Month #2
Liver Disease and Cleansing
  • The first thing to know: You determine what your pets eat, the medications they take, and the supplements they ingest. Find out the natural solutions to preventing and cleansing your dog's liver.


  • “It’s so easy to buy the dog food that’s on the shelf.” Everything affects the liver. The ONE ingredient with no side-effects that helps livers regenerate.


  • These are 10X MORE TOXIC in humans. So why do we feed them to our dogs? Read labels to avoid the world’s deadliest ingredients, and the highest vet bills you’ll ever see in your dog's later years..


  • What liver testing liver enzymes can tell you about your dog's health. RESULTS? Why abnormal results are actually nothing to worry about.


  • The liver is the #1 organ that toxins affect. So, if we want to be friendly to the liver, this is what your dogs should be eating. It’s a simple solution, but too many people ignore it because it looks like too much work (it’s not).

Arthritis Treatment
  • The intuitive method to instantly treat arthritis without pills, supplements, or nasty injections. Reduce this ONE thing and prevent, even protect your pet. 


  • 9 ways to treat arthritis. There are so many products on the market to help sooth cementing joints. Where do you start? Here’s the root issue and how to approach it holistically.


  • Do NOT give your pet aspirin! No matter how much you see them in pain. It most likely will cause more problems later. These three costly health problems could result.


  • How to create a home your arthritis stricken pet won’t want to leave. For almost a year, my cat never left this one soothing spot. Use no pills, injections, or changes in their diet.


  • Incorporating this soup into your dog’s diet can help reduce inflammation. (Does not include golden paste, coconut oil, or CBD Oil.)

The Recall - Praising a Collar Hold
  • Using praise: How to get your dog to come to you when you call. The right and wrong times to praise your dog.


  • Is your dog distracted at the dog park? This is the secret scent technique to make your dog enjoy coming to you any time. No trickery involved.


  • Why the collar doesn’t mean control. It *can* mean companion. In this section, you see 3 ways to do that.


  • The ONE thing to add when practicing recall. Even when your dog is playing they’ll head straight for you.


  • When your dog doesn’t want to leave the dog park they won’t come. How to make them come with positive reinforcement, every time. This trains them in less than a week.

Evaluating Someone who Cleans Teeth Without an Anesthetic
  • Usually, the vet will put your dog under anesthetic to clean their teeth. If you avoid anesthetic for your dog then you’ll want to know what to look for when evaluating someone who cleans teeth.


  • There are certain spots a non-anesthetic cleaner can’t get at. If they can’t clean them, you’re going to be at the vet sooner than later. Know the questions to ask.


  • Why they want to have a look at your dog's teeth BEFORE they clean them. What to expect when you go…

Video Training Month #3
The Invisible Toxin in Foods - AGEs
  • AGEs are a cancerous issue. Know where it comes from so you can avoid the cancer-causing agents. Instantly recognize the best and worst ingredients in every product.


  • The relationship between drinking water and AGEs. If you’re transitioning your dog from dry foods, here’s how to hydrate your dog without adding anything to their water or using soup.


  • Know your sources: Understand that dry kibbles, especially those that are high in fat and carbohydrate content. The ONE part of the process that inserts AGEs into every food.


  • Everything you need is in your kitchen. Use these quick cooking methods to give your dog the healthiest homemade meals. Many clients share similar meals.


  • Warning! Avoid these treats. They contribute to the formation of cancer, and other diseases.

Eye Emergencies
  • How to know when you absolutely MUST see a veterinarian. Some symptoms that look bad aren’t bad. Others mean get them to the emergency room - stat!


  • What happens to the iris when an eye has Glaucoma? What to look for and why this is the #1 emergency that can’t wait.


  • “Cherry Eye”: Is it an emergency? How can you help your dog heal… and stay calm yourself! Even if it looks horrible.


  • 5 Eye Injury Examples - What it means when there’s redness here, there, or everywhere…!  


  • Ouch! Accidents can happen on the baseball field, at the park and even in the backyard. What your dog’s pupil can tell you about how bad it is on a scale of 1 to 10.

Saving Money on Dental Care
  • If you can cut the cost of dental care down then the most you’ll see the vet might just be once or twice a year. (See how to do your own exam) 


  • The truth about doggy dental care. What follows after this “Basic Foundation?” Fewer vet visits.  


  • If you want to brush your dog’s teeth, but they don’t want to! How to transition to a toothbrush without the struggle. 3 simple steps to take…


  • BONES: The easiest way to keep your dog’s teeth clean. Some dogs will demolish anything. Get the guidelines to good health.


  • The “Chicken Wing Cheat” to clean teeth. How often to use it. Why your small dog may be happier and have more energy than ever after only a few months.

Lyme Disease Vaccination
  • This is a deep-dive into Lyme Disease - the studies, numbers, and risks. So you can figure out if the vaccination is really needed.


  • One of the most important questions: When was the last time you pulled a tick off your dog? Know what should be the “common sense” approach to all vaccines.


  • Wool over your eyes! The average person is shown a map with the frequency of lyme disease infection. Find out why that shouldn’t scare you.

And that's only the first three months...

Every month you get hours of reliable, and accurate holistic pet care information released to you directly through our education center portal.


Plus, when you sign-up to develop your own vet voice through the holistic window. You get all the exclusive special gifts…

Exclusive Special Gifts for Members Only 

Special Gift #1

One “Holistic Window” Live Community Zoom Call Every Month 

(Value: $297 per session)

  • Topics decided by you, email me anytime

  • Join Dr. Jeff for the Q&A

  • Watch the recordings. Wherever, whenever you like

  • Plus, this can save you money at the veterinary office

Special Gift #2

Your Holistic Pet - A Guidebook to Optimal Health E-book 

(Value: $27)

  • Discover the cornerstone of your dog’s health

  • Vaccines to Avoid

  • Why your pet is HEAVY

  • How to control parasites, cancers, and allergies

Special Gift #3

Exclusive Discount on ALL Conferences, Courses, and more...

(Value: 20% OFF)

  • Save on upcoming conferences, courses, challenges or an upcoming book…

  • Discounts on previous courses

  • Conferences and challenges at least once every two months

Special Gift #4

Opportunity to book a paid 1-hour call with Dr.Jeff

(Value: $350,Get a $99 discount)

  • Like a visit to the vet, except with nothing to sell you

  • Get one-on-one holistic pet care advice

  • On screen video insights

Special Gift #5

Cancel Anytime

  • Keep monthly holistic releases

  • Maintain Access to live sessions while you have an active subscription.

  • Access Anywhere, Watch Anywhere

  • Includes my whole-hearted guarantee

Your Whole-Hearted Guarantee 

If at any time you’re not more than satisfied, send me an email and I’ll issue you a 100% Moneyback guarantee within the first 30 days. Plus, you keep everything from the first month.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is "The Holistic Window" membership all about?


"The Holistic Window" is a membership program aimed at providing holistic pet care education. It's designed to help pet owners develop their vet voice and understand their dogs from a holistic perspective.


2. What topics are covered in the first three months of membership?


The first three months cover a range of topics including leash-walking techniques, raw food diets for dogs, conducting your own canine exams, understanding vaccines, liver disease and cleansing, arthritis treatment, dog recall training, evaluating non-anesthetic teeth cleaning, AGEs in foods, eye emergencies, saving on dental care, and Lyme disease vaccination.


3. How often is new content released in the membership?


New holistic pet care information is released every month, providing hours of reliable and accurate information directly through our education center portal.


4. What's included when I sign up?


Yes, when you sign up you receive multiple special gifts. These include a monthly live community Zoom call, a guidebook e-book titled "Your Holistic Pet", exclusive discounts on various offerings, the opportunity for one-on-one calls with Dr. Jeff, and the ability to cancel anytime while retaining access to monthly releases.


5. How can I access the content?


All the content is available through our education center portal. This allows you to access the information anytime, anywhere.


6. Is there a money-back guarantee?


Yes, if you're not satisfied with the program, you can send an email within the first 30 days to receive a 100% money-back guarantee. Additionally, you'll be able to keep everything from the first month.


7. How do the one-on-one calls with Dr. Jeff work?


These calls are similar to a vet visit but without any sales agenda. They provide a platform to get holistic pet care advice directly from Dr. Jeff. These are paid calls. Normally, this would cost $350 per call. The Holistic Window members get a $99 discount - $251 for 1-hour.


8. Can I suggest topics for the monthly live Zoom calls?


Absolutely! Topics for the monthly Zoom calls are decided by the members. You can email your suggestions anytime.


9. What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?


You can cancel your membership at any time. Upon cancellation, you'll retain access to all the content you've paid for so far.


This FAQ aims to provide quick answers to potential members about the offerings, structure, and benefits of the "The Holistic Window" membership site.

The Holistic Window - Canine is Perfect for You If...

The Holistic Window is perfect for you if you are tired of your conventional veterinarian telling you how to take care of your four-legged friend.


If you want to “see through” clever marketing catchphrases…


Or if you want to feel confident sharing how much love you give to your dog and what you feed them with your friends and family…


BUT most of all…


The Holistic Window is for those who understand animals as part of our natural ecosystem, as part of humanities way of life - pre-industrialization, before machines separated us from our families, and pets from their prey, this is perfect for those who want to become advocates for any pet.

Speak Your Voice...

Save yourself months of waiting to get into the vet and potentially thousands of dollars every year.

The Holistic Window - Canine

Monthly Subscription 


  • Hours of New Holistic Pet Care Content Every Month

  • Instant Access to Every Live Community Zoom Call

  • Email Questions Anytime

Special Gifts

  • One Live Community Zoom Call Every Month

  • Your Holistic Pet - A Guidebook to Optimal Health E-Book 

  • Exclusive discount on ALL conferences, courses and more… (Value: 20% OFF)

  • Opportunity to book a paid 1-hour, one-on-one calls with Dr.Jeff (Value: $350, $99 OFF)

  • Cancel Anytime, Keep monthly releases

Yearly Subscription 


(Save $47)

  • Hours of New Holistic Pet Care Content Every Month

  • Instant Access to Every Live Community Zoom Call

  • Email Questions Anytime

Special Gifts

  • One Live Community Zoom Call Every Month

  • Your Holistic Pet - A Guidebook to Optimal Health E-Book 

  • Exclusive discount on ALL conferences, courses and more… (Value: 20% OFF)

  • Opportunity to book a paid 1-hour, one-on-one calls with Dr.Jeff (Value: $350, $99 OFF)

  • Cancel Anytime, Keep monthly releases

The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jeff Grognet. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health professional and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jeff Grognet. Dr. Jeff encourages you to make your own pet health care decisions based upon your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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